Circular lists -- how they're dealt with


(define a (list 10 20 30))
(set-cdr! (cddr a) (cdr a))

what happens if I do (length a) and (map - a) ?

We have specifically built a circular sublist, so as to make it harder to detect circularity (it doesn't suffice to check for links to the head).

sysyem (length a) (map - a)
Bigloo loop loop
Biwa error error
Chez error error
Chibi error loop
Chicken error loop
Cyclone loop loop
Foment error error, exit system
Gambit loop loop
Gauche error loop
Guile error error
Kawa 2147483647 loop
LIPS 2 error
Loko stack overflow stack overflow
MIT error out of memory
Sagittarius -2 loop
Scheme48 loop heap overflow
Scheme9 loop loop
SCM error loop
STklos loop loop
Unsyntax error loop
Ypsilon error error
ABCL ... ...
Clisp loop loop
CMUCL loop loop
CCL error loop
ECL loop loop
GCL loop loop
SBCL loop loop
elisp error error

All Common Lisp implementations will loop while setting the cdddr of the list. However, all of them get back to the REPL after a ^C -- except ABCL, which exits the program.

Emacs Lisp quite properly informs that the "list contains a loop".

The equivalent code used for Common Lisp and Emacs Lisp is below.

(setq a (list 10 20 30))
(setf (cdddr a) (cdr a))

(listp a)
(length a)
(mapcar #'- a)

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