Foreign function interface (Java)

This is a guide to calling Java and other JVM languages from Scheme.

The most important Scheme implementation running on the JVM is Kawa. Created by Per Bothner, this implementation has been continuously developed and maintained for over 25 years. It implements several related languages/features, but importantly covers R7RS-small. The only restriction is that:

  • tail-call optimisation is a compile-time flag, and usually off

JScheme and SISC are two alternative versions of Scheme running on the JVM, which can still be used today. But this guide will focus on Kawa.

(For brevity, anything specific to Java or related libraries are not explained here: this guide is to help the Java programmer use Kawa.)

Basic Steps

Calling static methods

Let’s take a look at "hello world", the equivalent of Java’s:

public class HelloWorld {
  public static void main (String[] args) {
    System.out.println ("Hello from Java!");

Put the following into a file, call it "hello.scm":

(java.lang.System:out:println "Hello from Kawa")

Run it using:

$ kawa hello.scm

We can also evaluate this in the REPL:

$ kawa
#|kawa:1|# (java.lang.System:out:println "Hello from Kawa")
Hello from Kawa

Notice the call to the Java method: package name ("java.lang"), class name ("System"), static field ("out") and then static method ("println").

The colons between the class name, its static field, and the method on the value in that field, are examples of Kawa’s Colon notation, used to access parts of values.

As with Java, we can import classes to save typing their full package name:

#|kawa:3|# (import (class java.lang System))
#|kawa:4|# (System:out:println "hi")

Alternatively, we can give our own names to things using define-alias:

#|kawa:5|# (define-alias jlMath java.lang.Math)
#|kawa:6|# (jlMath:sqrt 10.0)

Creating an instance

Creating an instance of a given class is achieved by calling that class as if it were a procedure. In the following example, we create an ArrayList, add some values and display the values. Kawa displays a warning about "no known slots" - try to ignore these!

#|kawa:9|# (import (class java.util ArrayList))
#|kawa:10|# (define al (ArrayList))
#|kawa:11|# al
#|kawa:12|# (al:add 1)
/dev/tty:12:2: warning - no known slot 'add' in java.lang.Object
#|kawa:13|# al
#|kawa:14|# (al:add 2)
/dev/tty:14:2: warning - no known slot 'add' in java.lang.Object
#|kawa:15|# al
#(1 2)
#|kawa:16|# (al:size)
/dev/tty:16:2: warning - no known slot 'size' in java.lang.Object

Kawa has a nice trick with Java lists and arrays: for-each works across them!

#|kawa:18|# (for-each (lambda (i) (display " - ") (display i) (newline)) al)
 - 1
 - 2

Further Documentation

There is a lot more to explore with Kawa and its access to the JVM. Further documentation is available on the Kawa website. Some pages directly related to Java-Scheme interaction, and the examples on this guide, include:

Larger Example

The following example demonstrates a more meaningful task in data analysis. It uses two Apache Commons libraries, CSV and Math, to read a CSV file, generate some statistics, and cluster the data.

Step 1: Download required files

The example used here is the Iris dataset from the UCI database: download

This dataset has four attributes and a label, stored within a CSV file. The first few records are:


Download the CSV and Math libraries from the above links: the jar file names and versions used here are commons-csv-1.9.0.jar and commons-math3-3.6.1.jar.

Step 2: Import required classes

The required Java classes must be imported into the script:

(import (class
               BufferedReader FileReader)
        (class org.apache.commons.csv
        (class org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive
               Clusterable KMeansPlusPlusClusterer))

Step 3: Reading in the CSV file

The most complex step is reading in the data and converting it into a list of objects: each row of the dataset will be represented as an instance of a class, IrisInstance. When we use the clustering algorithm, we will need to pass it data which implements the Clusterable interface, which provides a getPoint method returning the data features as a double[].

The class definition is:

(define-simple-class IrisInstance (Clusterable)

This defines a class called IrisInstance which implements the Clusterable interface. It has six fields: sepal-length, sepal-width, …​ point. And one method, getPoint, which returns the value of point.

The conversion from a CSVRecord instance to an IrisInstance is made in the following procedure:

(define (csvrecord->iris-instance record)
  (if (= (record:size) 5)
      (let ((sepal-length (string->number (record:get 0)))
            (sepal-width (string->number (record:get 1)))
            (petal-length (string->number (record:get 2)))
            (petal-width (string->number (record:get 3))))
        (if (and (number? sepal-length)
                 (number? sepal-width)
                 (number? petal-length)
                 (number? petal-width))
            (make IrisInstance
                  sepal-length: sepal-length
                  sepal-width: sepal-width
                  petal-length: petal-length
                  petal-width: petal-width
                  label: (record:get 4)
                  point: (double[] sepal-length sepal-width petal-length petal-width))
            ())) ; return empty list if first four entries are not numbers
      ())) ; return empty list if record is not of correct size

This procedure performs some safety checks - that the record is of the right size, and its values are numbers, before creating an instance of IrisInstance with values for each of the given fields. Notice how point is initialised with a double[] value - this is to meet the requirements of the Clusterable interface.

The following procedure reads the Iris dataset from the given filename, and returns a list of IrisInstance values:

(define (read-data filename)
    (lambda (exn)
      (display "Error: in reading data from ") (display filename) (newline)
      (display exn)
      (java.lang.System:exit -1))
    (lambda ()
      (let* ((input-reader (BufferedReader (FileReader filename)))
             (records ((CSVFormat:RFC4180:parse input-reader):iterator)))
        (let loop ((result '()))
          (if (records:hasNext)
              (let ((item (csvrecord->iris-instance (records:next))))
                (loop (if (null? item) ; ignore empty list
                          (cons item result))))
              (reverse result)))))))

An exception handler is used to catch any file-reading errors and exit gracefully.

The main body of the procedure opens a CSV reader using a combination of Java’s builtin BufferedReader and the CSV library’s CSVFormat class: the records value is a Java iterator. A loop then iterates over records, converting each record into an IrisInstance, and storing valid values into a list.

Step 4: Displaying quantitative statistics

The DescriptiveStatistics class is very useful for creating quantitative statistics: using an accessor function (to retrieve a required field), we can create a procedure to build an instance of this class for the different fields in our dataset:

(define (statistics dataset accessor-fn)
  (let ((ds (DescriptiveStatistics)))
    (for-each (lambda (instance)
                (ds:addValue (accessor-fn instance)))

Information about the data values can then be retrieved directly from the DescriptiveStatistics instance:

(define (display-statistics name ds)
  (display name) (newline)
  (display "-- minimum: ") (display (ds:getMin)) (newline)
  (display "-- maximum: ") (display (ds:getMax)) (newline)
  (display "-- mean:    ") (display (ds:getMean)) (newline)
  (display "-- stddev:  ") (display (ds:getStandardDeviation)) (newline))

Given the above, we can now read in the dataset and display information about each component of the data:

(define dataset (read-data ""))

(display "Size of dataset: ") (display (length dataset)) (newline)

(display-statistics "Sepal length" (statistics dataset (lambda (instance) instance:sepal-length)))
(display-statistics "Sepal width" (statistics dataset (lambda (instance) instance:sepal-width)))
(display-statistics "Petal length" (statistics dataset (lambda (instance) instance:petal-length)))
(display-statistics "Petal width" (statistics dataset (lambda (instance) instance:petal-width)))

Step 5: Clustering the data

Building a data model is now fairly straightforward, as our dataset is in the appropriate form. The following code builds the clusters and then uses an iterator on the clusters to print information about each cluster:

(let* ((model (KMeansPlusPlusClusterer 3))
       (clusters (model:cluster dataset))
       (iterator (clusters:iterator)))
  (let loop ()
    (if (iterator:hasNext)
        (let ((cluster (iterator:next)))
          (display "Cluster: ") (display ((cluster:getCenter):getPoint)) (newline)
          (display "Cluster has: ") (display ((cluster:getPoints):size)) (display " points") (newline)

Step 6: Run the script

The above code should be copied, in order, into a file "csv-kawa.scm".

The script is run as follows (on Windows - the classpath needs changing on Linux/Mac), including the libraries. Notice the --no-warn-unknown-member flag - this makes Kawa output a bit quieter.

> java -cp "kawa.jar;commons-csv-1.9.0.jar;commons-math3-3.6.1.jar" kawa.repl --no-warn-unknown-member .\csv-kawa.scm
Size of dataset: 150
Sepal length
-- minimum: 4.3
-- maximum: 7.9
-- mean:    5.843333333333334
-- stddev:  0.8280661279778628
Sepal width
-- minimum: 2.0
-- maximum: 4.4
-- mean:    3.054
-- stddev:  0.43359431136217386
Petal length
-- minimum: 1.0
-- maximum: 6.9
-- mean:    3.758666666666666
-- stddev:  1.7644204199522626
Petal width
-- minimum: 0.1
-- maximum: 2.5
-- mean:    1.1986666666666665
-- stddev:  0.763160741700841
Cluster: [5.005999999999999 3.4180000000000006 1.464 0.2439999999999999]
Cluster has: 50 points
Cluster: [6.853846153846153 3.0769230769230766 5.715384615384615
Cluster has: 39 points
Cluster: [5.88360655737705 2.740983606557377 4.388524590163935
Cluster has: 61 points

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